love has been co-opted
across all fronts
the new way it’s practiced
is skewed
Mistaken for disciplinary actions
Physical abuse
Workaholism, b/c I…
insert excuse here
fear projection
get a degree
what them grades looking like?
conditional terms apply
date a specific type,
or else
crimes of passion
Outburst and rage
dictatorial & grooming the youth for addictive tendencies
can’t be real unless toxic
heard that on the radio
over and over
too busy chasing waterfalls
i drowned in sorrow
This free write was sparked after a recent conversation where I had thoughts of their misconceptions of what love is and its power. Based on what fuels the world today, it’s hard for people to truly know or experience love. If lucky, I think we often get love confused with care and responsibility, and toxicity and control if unlucky. I also think love for many people is conditional. Relationships rooted in unconditional love (which I think love can only be) couldn’t be as disposable as many relationships today seem to be. If more “real love” was in circulation cancel culture, tribalism/groupthink wouldn’t be so prominent.