Modern painting of "liberty leading the people"

Nonsegregated slaughterer (the age of belief segregation and tribalism)

If you love wellness
If you love freedom
If you love exploitation
if you love projecting your victim badge -hijacking advantages
If you love gossip & celebrity obsessed
If you love truth
If you love conspiracies 
If you love nature
If you love cell phones and #colton mining fields
If you love tech
If you love pattern recognition 
If you love peace
If you love “the culture” and “that hard shit”
If you love overstimulation
If you love war
If you love refugees 
If you love greed
If you love #LGBTQIA
If you love Andrew Tate
If you love AOC
If you love Bitcoin, gold or fiat
If you love America 
If you love what’s become of the Middle East
if you love the fact that we’re the scapegoats
if you love the fact we’re more alike than different
now that we’re all here
all these distractions
who do ya love?
what shall we persecute next?
all in the name of love and oversold beliefs
today there’s a sale 
the ad read “Purchase cheap souls here”
1.7% off
plastered all across our screens
the supply failed to meet demand
causing social uproar