A ripple in the water

Societal Ripple(s)(d) Apart/A Part…

Chain Reaction

Every individual action has a ripple effect that impacts you first and then extends outward to your home, street, community, city, county, state, nation, network, and planet. In an ever-increasing globalized world, the magnitude of this idea makes it difficult for most people to accept.


  • Stealing => Leads to an increase in prices & mass surveillance all while revoking privacy & freedoms in the name of “order”
  • Lies => Pollute and deceive. Any person operating off of a lie requires additional lies to circulate in perpetuity.
  • Violence=> Any violence desensitizes us from violent behavior, rationalizing the violent oppression of others. (Whooping children or “good guys vs bad guy” propaganda is usually the first indoctrination) This creates more violence and violent systems, ultimately leading to war.
  • Online tribalism=> Leads to offline cannibalism. Ideological groups at war are the new norm & ever-increasing. Antidote; Follow people you “hate”. Humanize your enemies.
  • Cheating=> Psychologically robs every party involved & aware who consequentially projects or operates parasitically.
  • Clickbait=> Prioritizes entertainment & deception over truth reducing the amount of truth in circulation.
  • Conspiracies=> Discount the horrific truths amongst us that we are all stifled by.
  • Loneliness=> Not being fully present for at least 51% of the time you’re spending with someone indirectly communicates their lack of importance. This amplifies loneliness and creates unfillable social voids – no matter how hard online communities attempt to fill them.
  • Victim badge – The more we begin to self-identify (rightly so or not) as victimized groups we end our ability to be hopeful, grateful, problem-solve, and sober-minded. Every group has a privilege. Unless you’re actively being tortured right now – all of your problems are in the past or future. Breathe.
    Most groups’ qualms started with good intentions but have now turned into militias focused on extracting privilege, attention, & bodies.

Every action is an economic action called trade. By doing something you’re trading away the ability to do something else. This is opportunity cost. Learning economics is a cheat code to learning to how unlock your potential, be productive, resilient and see the world from an uncontaminated lens.

Life is the constant trading of energy. Be mindful and intentional of the energy you’re soliciting. If you make someone mad, that person then projects those feelings onto someone else… & so on.
Responding with love, hate, fear, etc., reciprocates that particular energy. Take accountability by mastering your proactive and reactive actions. Find healthy circuits to emit lower feelings.
Compassion and grace go a long way. If you feel someone has done you wrong or harmed you, think about what must’ve happened to that person for them to do such a thing. The average person is living in a compromised state beyond their cognitive ability.

If all you see is pain and violence think about your level of participation in that system. You vote 365 days per year through the things you consume.


-Always choose truth, unbiased objective truth.
-Work to prove yourself wrong.
-Heal! Not dealing with your bullshit forces others to deal with your bullshit!
-Prioritize silence and boredom. Doing so allows you to think soberly.
-Amplify self-love. This reduces the need for validation and therefore reduces making compromising decisions for validation/attention.
-Build wealth. I define wealth as the ability to build and maintain productive relationships, protect oneself and one’s property, practice self-regulation, foster innovation, and optimize physical and mental health.