Kissing my pregnant wife's stomach

Gender Reveal

Life’s been crazy, in the most pleasant ways, since getting married January this year! A month later, we put our belongings in storage and started staying in Airbnb’s one month at a time. Sayu and I knew we wanted to start a family by summer and agreed the best approach for pregnancy would be for her to quit her job so we could travel, creating magic and memories. Our last spontaneous hurrah. It has been the most gratifying experience that pays dividends in return. We’ve had doctor’s appointments in Atlanta, New Orleans, and Bali Indonesia (which was criminally pleasant!).

 We had our most recent visit here in Florida in which we , cutting our travels short by one month, avoiding going to the Dominican Republic as we’ve found a lovely home near a beach in Florida. We have found a midwife clinic that is ranked third worldwide in delivering naturally to your specific request. Every single staff member is a joy to be around and the level of care on display could not be any better. Second appointment and they were able to share we’re having a baby girl!

Inspired by my family tree.

For years now, I’ve intentionally kept a minimal use of social media for several reasons. However, now as I prepare for parenthood, I think it’s important I pursue an online presence for several reasons. Some personal, some ideology, one being I see it as a responsibility with the of rise of artificial intelligence (I’ll explain later). This website is my acceptance of that responsibility inspired by baby girl. Grow with me as we’re in pursuit of a better culture, society, true connection, truth and harmony. Lastly, I just want to thank any friends or family and ask for grace as this entire year has been like one long honeymoon.